More than 100 people attended a public meeting held by the Save Withybush Action Team in St Davids earlier tonight (Friday).

Despite confusion over the use of the City Hall, local residents crammed into the Memorial Hall next door to hear SWAT’s presentation, which was met with a round of applause.

SWAT members outlined fears over threats to 24-hour surgery and hip and knee replacements and the knock on effects the removal of these services would have, such as the loss of caesarean sections, bowel surgery and trauma surgery.

Vice chairman Julie Milewski said: “If we lose hips and knees and of hours service then every child that breaks its arm will have to go to Carmarthen.

“There are a lot of socio-economic costs built in to removing services and that has a knock on effect on the local community all around.

After the meeting people signed petitions and took literature detailing what they could do to help the pressure group.