Shops, restaurants and other public facilities in Pembrokeshire are being urged to shed outdated attitudes towards breastfeeding and provide a warmer welcome to mums who want to breastfeed in public on their premises.

The call comes as new research shows 86% of Welsh people are comfortable with a woman breastfeeding in public in their presence.

Top Welsh Assembly officials say this shows a major shift in public attitudes.

There are concerns that at present, mothers are deterred from breastfeeding because they are embarrassed about feeding in public or fear the reaction of others.

This week sees the launch of a major drive by the Assembly to encourage more mums to breastfeed and a new scheme is being launched to help new mums identify safe and welcoming places for them to feed.

It is aimed at any business or establishment open to the general public, including shops, libraries, community centres and restaurants.

Usha Walapu, senior midwife at Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust, said: "It has been scientifically proven that breastfeeding provides important health protections for both mum and baby.

Breastfed babies visit the doctor less often than those who are bottle-fed. For mums, it cuts the risk of ovarian and breast cancer.

"Women should feel comfortable feeding their baby anywhere. This scheme is about reassuring women that attitudes have changed and creating a supportive atmosphere for mums. We hope this scheme will result in a network of breastfeeding-friendly premises opening their doors to new mums all over Pemb-rokeshire."