A KITTEN rescued by the fire service makes a cute story.

But a kitten rescued from the fire service? That's news!

Naughty Tom Drinkwater stowed away on a fire engine for an incredible 36 hours - including at least two call-outs.

Tom's brother Jerry arrived home alone with diesel in his fur following a visit from firefighters doing safety checks in the village of Keeston.

Owners Julie and Steve caught up with the engine, but there was no sign of the seven-month-old kitten.

"Tom is usually fairly inquisitive," said Julie.

"But he had never been gone for a whole night before."

Searches the next day failed to locate the missing moggy and leaflets were distributed around the village.

Jerry was visibly distressed by his brother's absence and a devastated Julie had to e-mail her Year three class at Haverfordwest VC School to give them the bad news.

Then, 36 hours after Tom disappeared, a routine machine check discovered him still hidden behind a locker on the fire engine.

Firefighter Jonathan Griffiths said: "He's a very lucky cat. If he had got near the fan or prop shaft, it might not have been such a happy ending."

Tom immediately fled leading seven crew members a merry dance around the emergency tender before slinking under the cab. Mechanics came in to tilt it forward, but Tom created further mayhem by dashing to another engine before he was eventually caught and delivered back to Keeston.

Julie said: "He got out of the box, ran to find his brother, then rolled over to have his tummy tickled and purred."