BJP and Co report: Store Cattle (224). A similar entry to last week again sold very well.

A top price of £705 for a Belgian Blue Steer sold by Mr Jones, Hardings Hill, Angle. Breed Report

Charolais Steers, 640, James, Clareston. Belgian Blue Steers, 658, Lewis, White Lodge. Simmental Steers, 610, James, Clarbeston. Hereford Steers, 600, James, Clareston. Welsh Black Steers, 582, Jones, Hardings Hill. Friesian Steers, 500, Lewis, White Lodge; Limousin Steers, 580, Jones, Hardings Hill. Charolais Heifers, 522, Thomas, Dredgeman Hill. Charolais Heifers, 578, Thomas, Abernant. Belgian Blue Heifers, 550, James, Clareston. Welsh Black Heifers, 530, James, Clareston.

Calves (80).

Slightly fewer calves with a shortage of 1st Quality. However prices were still strong. Belgian blue Culls, 174, Joules, Castellygwch.

Limousin Bulls, 172, Lewis, New House. Charolais Bulls, 168, Davies, Sprinkle. Hereford Bulls, 140, Joules, Castellygwch. Friesian Bulls, 58, Devonald, Milford. Charolais Heifers, 116, Davies, Sprinkle. Friesian Bulls, average £18 each, a little better than last week.