Dear Editor

I refer to objections (December 30th) to the planning application for 54 houses at Bloomfield, Narberth, which was supported by AM Angela Burns.

As planning consultant acting for the developers and a former planning officer for Narberth in a previous career, I feel I have to state a few facts on this matter:- a) PCC has a duty to provide new housing for the county and this site has been earmarked for a housing allocation since 2006, with adoption of the Joint Unitary Development Plan (JUDP) b) The housing allocation showed 30 homes. However, this has no legal status, it is a mere illustrative calculation by forward planners.

Now the density is only 21 units per hectare. Policies laid out both by PCC in the JUDP and Welsh Assembly call for 30 units per hectare in the main towns, to ensure good economic use of land.

Extensive pre-application discussions with PCC planners and highways officers encouraged a higher density, following the new guidelines.

c) A suggestion to use an access through the adjacent industrial estate is not logical and would bring conflict between industrial vehicles competing with housing traffic, pedestrians and children. d) The developer is a responsible one and will ensure any project is managed with minimum impact on residents.

e) Perhaps Mrs Burns and objectors should acknowledge that developers offer significant contributions for larger estates: 16 affordable homes created in perpetuity; financial contributions to highway and pedestrian improvements, Narberth schools and public open space; library improvements and recycling facilities. This helps a development to assimilate into an existing community and supports sustainability. Schools in this area need new families to be viable for the future f) All we have here is a type of ‘nimbyism' — no development in my back yard. I recall fierce opposition to the Bloomfield estates in the 1990s. Now these provide the majority of the 60 objectors with their homes!

Perhaps residents should think about the developer’s contributions to community facilities,. which in this case could be over £10,000 per dwelling plus providing 16 affordable units at no profit.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I would question Angela Burns on her true motives for objecting in this election year.

Andrew Vaughan-Harries (agent)
Hayston Developments and Planning, Chartered Town Planning Consultants.