Two ten-year-old boys have been reprimanded for causing damage to grave stones at City Road, Haverfordwest.

As the Western Telegraph reported on March 18th, several graves at the City Road Cemetery were damaged the previous Thursday, March 12th.

The grave that sustained the most damage was that of a four month old baby, Stacia Cali Baldry.

In an emotional plea issued through the Western Telegraph, Stacia's mother, Zoe Billingley, asked other mothers to make sure that their children understood the importance of showing respect to the dead.

The two boys admitted criminal damage and were given youth reprimands, in line with national guidance.

Inspector Ian James, from Haverfordwest police station, said: “The boys were both explained that they actions had caused great upset to people who had lost loved ones.

“One of the boys came along to a litter pick as part of the tidy towns initiative in a bid to make amends.”