More than a week after the "disaster" of Haverfordwest fair the Picton Playing field is still a churned up muddy mess and it looks as if a decision will not be made about restoration work until the end of this week.

Terrible weather conditions on the week of the fair led to the ground becoming water-logged and the event closing early, with the anticipated grand finale on Saturday night being cancelled.

Fair vehicles became bogged down in the mire and had to be winched out by larger vehicles, churning the ground up so it resembled a "ploughed field" in the words of one local resident.

Cllr David Bryan, whose Priory ward also encompasses the playing field, expressed his shock at the state of the fields.

"I was horrified to see the state of this green space at the centre of town when I returned to the county at the weekend," he said.

"I have spoken to our officers and the current position is that the council is taking advice on the appropriate works that are required to ensure the field is properly re-instated.

"This includes timing of the works bearing in mind the ground conditions at this time of year.

"As part of the process there will need to be further discussions with the Showmen's Guild which is responsible either for carrying out the works or bearing the costs and we hope to have this established within the next few days."

A spokesman for Pembrokeshire County Council said that the council is still investigating the situation and meeting contractors and that the authority is likely to have a clearer idea of the way forward by the end of the week.