NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Llŷr Floating Offshore Wind Project

Notice is hereby given that Llŷr Floating Wind Limited has applied to Natural Resources Wales (“NRW”) for a marine licence to carry out a regulated activity under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

The project requires EIA consent and is subject to the requirement for an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (“the EIA Regulations”). An environmental statement has been prepared by the applicant.

The application is for Llŷr Floating Offshore Wind Project. The Project comprises of the construction, installation, operation, maintenance and subsequent decommissioning of up to 10 floating offshore wind turbine generators located approximately 35 km from the Pembrokeshire coast in the Celtic Sea.

Copies of the environmental statement and other documents required by the EIA Regulations are available for public inspection free of charge during normal office hours at

  • Pembrokeshire County Council, The Riverside Library, Gallery and Visitor Information, Off Swan Square, Haverdfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 2AN

  • Pembroke Dock Library, Water Street, Pembroke Dock SA72 6DW

for a period of 42 days from the date of this notice.

Copies of the environmental statement and the above documents can also be obtained online from or by emailing NRW at You can search for the documents using the application reference number ORML2465.

If printed copies of the above documents are requested, a charge not exceeding reasonable copying costs may be payable. 

Any person wishing to make representations regarding the application and the environmental statement should do so by writing to NRW to the Permitting Service, Natural Resources Wales, Welsh Government Offices, Cathays Park, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ or by email to within 42 days of this notice. Representations should be dated and clearly state the name (in block capitals) and the full return email or postal address of the person making the representation.

Please quote reference number ORML2465 in all correspondence.

Representations received from members of the public will be dealt with in accordance with Schedule 5 of the EIA Regulations. Copies of written representations received by NRW will be sent to the applicant and may also be made publicly available.

NRW is an appropriate authority under the EIA Regulations and has been delegated functions as the appropriate licensing authority by the Welsh Ministers for the purposes of Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. In determining the application, NRW may grant EIA consent for the project; grant EIA consent for the project with conditions attached; or, refuse EIA consent for the project.