A HUSBAND chased after his wife after an argument and pushed her in to a bramble bush.

Paul Hughes, 58, of Jeffreyston, appeared at Swansea Crown Court charged with three offences.

Hughes pleaded guilty to charges of battery and criminal damage, but denied making a threat to kill.

Prosecutor Caitlin Brazel told the court that these pleas were acceptable, and a trial would not be sought on the remaining charge.

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Ms Brazel said an argument took place at the couple’s home at around 7.30pm on September 18 over “the financial aspect of their relationship”.

The prosecutor alleged that Hughes got a knife from the kitchen and made threats against his wife.

His wife left the home, but Hughes followed her and pushed her in to a bramble bush, causing scratches to her arms.

The court heard that the knife was used only by the defendant to cut a pair of his wife’s flip flops – which amounted to the criminal damage charge.

The police were called and Hughes was arrested. He was interviewed the following day.

The court heard that the defendant had no previous convictions, and that the couple were looking to reconcile in the long-term.

Stuart John, appearing for Hughes, said that the defendant was currently staying in hotels in the Birmingham area.

Judge Huw Rees indicated that he was intending to fine the defendant for each offence, and asked Mr John if he wanted to make any further representations, which he didn’t.

“You are 58 years old.” Judge Rees said to Hughes. “You are not normally a violent man.

“There was an argument here that should have been a private matter.”

He fined Hughes £175 for the battery offence and £25 for the criminal damage charge.