A Milford Haven man has admitted driving his Audi A4 while nearly five times over the drug drive limit.

Police on patrol stopped David Davies’ car on Steynton Road on March 30 this year and noticed that his eyes were glazed.

They took a roadside drugs swipe which came back positive. A sample of blood taken at the police station subsequently returned a reading of 240(µg/l) of Benzoylecgonine, a cocaine derivative in his blood. The legal limit for driving is 50.

Davies, 31, of George Street, Milford Haven appeared by video link from Park Prison Swansea where he is serving a sentence for a completely unrelated offence.

He entered a guilty plea to driving with a controlled substance in his system at the earliest opportunity.

Mike Kelleher, defending, said that his client had take cocaine some days before, and on the day he was driving it had no effect on him. There was nothing wrong with his driving.

Magistrates handed down a one-year driving ban that will take effect when Davies is released from prison.

He was fined £120 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge. Davies will have to pay a total of £253 on release.