An application to demolish a Pembrokeshire supermarket, replacing it with a more modern facility, is expected to be approved by county planners next week.

Lidl Great Britain Limited is seeking to demolish the existing Lidl foodstore and adjoining properties – including the Enterprise Rent-a-Car unit - at Great North Road, Milford Haven, building a new Lidl foodstore with associated works.

A supporting statement through agent CarneySweeney says: “The existing Lidl store is small and of an early generation format. Owing to Lidl’s well-established and growing local customer base, Lidl has outgrown its existing premises which no longer meets modern shopper requirements, and a larger store is sought to better serve local customer demand.

“In addition, the existing store is inefficient with regards to warehouse operations. The proposal for a new store aims to alleviate the problems presented by the existing store.”

It adds: “The development is suitably scaled to be no larger than necessary to address identified storage and staff needs and improve the existing store. Moreover, the new store will be better equipped to meet Lidl’s operational requirements, modern day staff requirements and better serve local shopping needs.

“The proposed sales floor space is modest and is not anticipated to lead to any material change in existing shopping patterns. The store will continue to trade on a like for like basis with other large food stores; the majority of which lie out of centre. Based on a quantitative assessment of trading effects no significant adverse impact on in centre turnover and trade is anticipated.”

The application says the development would create up to 40 jobs.

The car park will provide 93 spaces, including six disabled spaces, nine ‘parent & child’ spaces and two EV charging spaces, an increase in overall provision of 11 spaces.

It concludes: “The proposed new Lidl store strives to reduce environmental impact, both through design and through the commitment of Lidl to follow best practice to reduce pollution during the construction phase.”

The application is recommended for conditional approval at the October 8 meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning committee.

An officer report ahead of that meeting says: “The application site comprises the existing Lidl foodstore and its associated car park; a car rental premises fronting Gt. North Road immediately to the north; and three dwellings (Nos. 61, 61a & 61b Gt North Road) which contain the car rental premises to the north and west. No 61 directly fronts Gt North Road and is semi-derelict. Nos 61a & 61b have been unoccupied since late 2020 and early 2021 respectively.

“The car rental premises is a former petrol filling station and underground storage tanks are understood to be situated beneath the site. These are to be removed. The overall application site extends to 0.74 Ha and is owned and controlled by the applicant.”

The report says the scheme has been supported by Milford Haven Town Council, but two objections have been made by members of the public, concerns including design, size, “dangerous” vehicle access arrangements, and the existing store being big enough.

The applicant has submitted amended drawings to remove proposed bollards that would have restricted access to the end disabled parking bay.