FOUR men have denied their involvement in an alleged stabbing in Milford Haven.

Mcauley Brown, Haydn Blockwell, Haydn Ashton and Gethin Picton appeared in the dock at Swansea Crown Court after reports that a man was stabbed and a second man was attacked on August 24.

All four men were charged with wounding with intent and an alternative offence of unlawful wounding relating to the first man, as well as attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent towards the second man.

Brown, 18, of Tower View in Marloes, was also accused of having a knife in a public place and damaging a police cell.

18-year-old Blockwell, of James Street in Hakin, was also charged with having a knife.

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Brown pleaded guilty to criminal damage after admitting scratching his name in to the door of the police cell.

All defendants denied the remaining charges.

James Hartson, appearing for Brown, said: “Mcauley Brown says he was not present at the scene.

“Anybody who said he was are either lying or mistaken.”

Hannah George, representing Blockwell, said her client accepted being at the scene, but “had no prior knowledge of the incident”.

“He was there,” said David Singh, for 18-year-old Ashton, of Larch Road in Milford Haven.

“He was with the other defendants, certainly at least two of the others as he got out of the car with them.

“He was aware of an argument that was ongoing.

“His role was peacemaker. He picked up an item to prevent it being used.”

Jon Tarrant, appearing for 19-year-old Picton, of Elm Lane in Milford Haven, said: “Mr Picton was in the vehicle. He did not get out of the vehicle.”

Judge Paul Thomas readmitted the men to bail, and set a trial date for April 14, 2025.