A Pembrokeshire-based volunteer gardener from Garden Organic’s Heritage Seed Library has scooped an Environment Champion Award for her work protecting rare vegetable seeds.

Marie duQuesnay joins fellow 'seed guardians' from other parts of the UK Hilary Van Beek and Nadia Mazza who were announced as winners in the community category of the Community Inspiration Awards 2024.

Marie duQuesnay (Image: Submitted) The award recognises an individual or organisation helping to make positive improvements to the environment. The group was commended for the way their work gives people the agency to grow, save, breed, and develop the edible heirlooms and biodiversity of the future.

Marie duQuesnay has been a seed guardian for nine years.

She lives on an exposed hill 850ft above sea level in Pembrokeshire.

She said: “It’s been fantastic to have the opportunity to play a tiny part in such an important project as the Heritage Seed Library.

"It is so sad to see that the intensification of farming is narrowing the range of what’s grown and coupled with regulations (especially in the EU) around what seeds are certified for sale, we’re losing very local varieties. And once they’re gone, that’s it.”

More than 200 seed saviours are nurturing heritage seeds and plants on their veg plots and sending their seeds back to the Heritage Seed Library, at Ryton Gardens, near Coventry.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates 75 per cent of crop diversity was lost between 1900 and 2000. In the face of biodiversity loss and challenges like climate change, preserving a wide range of species and varieties is crucial.

Head of the Heritage Seed Library Catrina Fenton said: “Each heritage variety thriving under the care of a Seed Guardian expands our options for developing resilient plants.

“These dedicated volunteers produce approximately half of the seeds needed for conservation efforts each year - ensuring the continued existence of these varieties.”

The Community Inspiration Awards, organised by The Community Foundation, to recognise outstanding contributions made by staff from public and voluntary sector organisations, businesses and members of the community, whose efforts have made a positive difference in the community and have inspired and motivated others.