A Pembrokeshire landfill site will only be able to accept waste once a newly constructed cell base has been approved.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is carrying out a review of a Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) validation report from Resources Management UK Ltd (RML), the operator of Withyhedge Landfill.

The report is a critical requirement under the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) and should provide evidence that the base of the new landfill cell has been constructed and engineered in accordance with the approved design and specifications to prevent pollution.

RML is seeking final approval to accept waste in the newly constructed cell.

The site remains under investigation by NRW, but the construction of Cell 9 was authorised by the current environmental permit.

The CQA report relates to Cell 9A - one of three sub-cells within Cell 9 which RML says is now ready to accept waste.

No waste disposal can begin in Cell 9A until NRW has reviewed the report and confirmed it is satisfied that the construction was undertaken in accordance with the approved design and specification.

NRW has also requested updated procedures and plans covering the operation of Cell 9 from RML.

This is to ensure that activities at the landfill do not cause further odour problems.

Caroline Drayton, operations manager for south west NRW, said: "We realise there will be some public unease at the prospect of Withyhedge Landfill once again accepting waste, but I want to provide reassurance that, in addition to the rigorous assessment of the construction quality assurance for the new cell, we continue to focus on ensuring that the operator implements further improvements at Withyhedge Landfill to minimise the opportunity for any future emissions and off-site odours."

The review of the CQA validation report will take several weeks.

Upon completion, NRW will notify the site operator of its conclusion.

NRW maintains its regulatory presence on site to ensure RML continues to drive the necessary improvements to the gas management system and to ensure demonstration of effective management of the landfill gas from operations.

Investigations relating to Withyhedge Landfill are ongoing.

When the investigation is completed NRW can determine if charges should be brought for any offence relating to breaches of their environmental permit conditions.