Nearly 70 young learners from 22 primary schools attended Sport Pembrokeshire's Young Ambassador Conference.

The pupils, who are ambassadors for sport and physical activity in their schools, took part in a range of workshops.

These workshops, delivered by the Sport Pembrokeshire team, included leadership skills, action planning, and inclusive games inspired by the Paralympics.

The Year Five and Six pupils also participated in a first aid workshop and listened to former young ambassadors Carys Ribbon and Rhys Llewellyn share their experiences with the Sport Pembrokeshire team.

Special Olympics Berlin Gold medallist, Bleddyn Gibbs, presented volunteer lanyards and activity booklets to all attending pupils and schools.

Sport Pembrokeshire manager, Matthew Freeman, praised the young ambassadors, saying: "Our young ambassadors are role models for their peers and help encourage more involvement in sport and physical activities and healthy lifestyles."

The young ambassador scheme is sponsored by Valero, and Stephen Thornton attended the conference to see the work the young people are doing.

Mr Thornton said: "This programme is an essential way of encouraging physical activity in schools and communities.

"Sport is often a way for young people to learn about achievement and well-being, and participation leads to improved academic results.

"Valero is delighted to sponsor a project which helps to improve the health and well-being of young people in Pembrokeshire."

There will be a secondary schools young ambassador conference in October, and any interested schools or pupils can contact Rominy Colville at Pembrokeshire County Council for more information.