Farming unions in Wales have welcomed the strong farmer and farm vet representation on the new Welsh Government Bovine TB Programme Board.

The Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs, Huw Irranca-Davies has this week announced that he has appointed Sharon Hammond as the Chair of the Board which will oversee and provide guidance to Welsh Government on their TB eradication programme.

Membership has been drawn from both unions as well as vets and ex-officio experts from a number of agencies.

Ms Hammond, who is also a member of the NFU Cymru TB focus group will be joined by fellow focus group member and Pembrokeshire farmer Roger Lewis.

The board will provide strategic advice to the Welsh Chief Veterinary Office and Welsh Ministers.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Following the appointment of the Bovine TB Technical Advisory Group (TAG) earlier in the year, the Programme Board is the final important piece in the governance structure for Welsh Government’s TB policy.

"It is positive to see strong farmer and veterinary representation around the table, as it is farming families and their own private farm vets who are at the front line of dealing with this dreadful disease so their views on future TB policy are vital."

FUW Deputy President and dairy farmer, Dai Miles said: “The FUW welcomes the opportunity to have a seat at the table, alongside a team with a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in this field, to tackle the myriad of issues facing Welsh family farms in eradicating bovine TB.”

“As a union, we are keen to play our part on the Eradication Programme Board and work closely with the Technical Advisory Group in reviewing important matters relevant to bovine TB eradication.” added Mr Miles.

Full details of the board membership can be found at