A local school is delighted to have received a positive Estyn report saying that it is a ‘happy place where pupils feel safe and are eager to learn’.

Stepaside CP School was visited by Estyn inspectors in June this year. The school has 116 pupils. Of these none of them speak Welsh at home, ten per cent use English as an additional language; 23 percent are eligible for free school meals and 30 percent come from the local gypsy traveller community.

Inspectors praise the school, saying that its leaders ‘focus on providing a welcoming, calm and purposeful learning environment and this contributes to the school’s nurturing ethos’.

The staff’s use of the school’s extensive outdoor areas to enhance the curriculum and to provide opportunities for pupils to keep fit and healthy was also praised.

The report said that most pupils make good progress in their learning in a ‘broad and balanced’ curriculum which takes good account of the school’s locality.

Teachers and support staff were praised for their positive working relationships with pupils.

“They extend pupils’ learning through effective questioning and provide good quality feedback to pupils as they work,” read the report.

“Pupils have good opportunities to take on lead roles and to influence the life and work of the school. They take these roles seriously and are proud of their achievements.”

Stepaside CP School’s headteacher Peter Jones, was also praised for his clear vision for the school which is shared effectively with staff, pupils and parents.

“He has high expectations of staff and pupils and has implemented a range of changes to improve teaching and learning effectively,” said inspectors.

The school governors were said to provide a good level of support and challenge to the school and to be actively involved in monitoring activities and bringing about improvements.

The school was told it needs to ensure that there is suitable progression across all areas of learning. The report said that work to do this ‘is at an early stage of development’.

The inspectors also said that the level of challenge is not always matched well enough to pupils’ ability or stage of development when they work independently.

The inspectors recommended that the school develops a shared understanding of progression to ensure that pupils make progress across all areas of the curriculum and that it ensures that independent learning experiences provide sufficient challenge for all pupils and support them to develop suitably as independent learners.

“We are thrilled with the outcome of our Estyn inspection,” said headteacher Mr Peter Jones.

“The report recognises the many significant strengths of the school.

“I am proud of the hard work and dedication provided by our team, in creating a welcoming and nurturing environment which enables our pupils to make good progress whilst at Stepaside.”