A man who was found to have a bladed article and 71 blue Class C pills has been ordered to stay out of trouble or he will face prison.

Christopher James, 45, of Ammanford Road, Tycroes, admitted having a bladed article on Stepney Street, Llanelli, on June 23 last year.

He was also found to have 71 blue tablets of Bromazolam – a Class C drug in his possession.

James pleaded guilty to both offences on August 27 at Lanelli Magistrates Court.

The case was sent to Swansea Crown Court for sentencing, following the production of a pre-sentence report by the probation service.

James appeared before His Honour Judge Paul Thomas KC for sentencing yesterday, Tuesday, September 16.

Judge Thomas handed down a six month prison, suspended for 12 months. He also ordered James to carry out 180 hours unpaid work and 10 rehabilitation activity days.

An order was made for forfeiture of the drugs and deprivation of the knife.

James must also pay a £154 victim surcharge, which goes to fund victim support services.

No separate penalty was imposed for the possession of the 71 Class C Bromazolam pills.

The suspended sentence means that James could face prison if he commits any further offences in the next year or fails to comply with the order.

Judge Thomas said that any breach of the sentence would be dealt with by himself.