A jealous boyfriend’s actions have led to him being given a prison sentence for coercive control.

Wayne Davies – who deleted his partner’s social media accounts and accused her of having relationships with colleagues - was handed down an 18-week jail term by a judge at Swansea Crown Court.

Davies, formerly of Milford Haven but now of no fixed abode, had been in custody since being arrested on the charges last March.

He initially denied them, but on the first day set down for his trial at Swansea Crown Court, he changed his plea to guilty.

He returned on Friday, September 13. for sentence.

Recorder Aidan Eardley KC said that because of the time that Davies, 47, had already served in prison, it looked very likely that he would be immediately released.

Davies admitted engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour towards a woman in Milford Haven between October 1, 2023 and March 3, 2024 while in an intimate relationship.

The court heard that the couple had met on dating site Tinder and Davies moved in with the woman within two months, after he was evicted from his own accommodation.

“The relationship was going well and his partner did not see any red flags,” said Alycia Carpanini, prosecuting. “But then the defendant became more controlling and the relationship got worse.”

Davies’ partner found that he had deleted her TikTok account and friends on Facebook, questioned the people she was following on social media, changed her phone password and started carrying her phone around in his pocket.

He also tried to get her to sell her car - which was of sentimental value as it was given to her by her late father - and accused her of having affairs with colleagues.

Davies’ actions had a "significant effect" on the woman’s well-being, the court heard, and she said in a victim statement that she now feels "anxious, paranoid and on edge".

In defence, Hywel Davies urged the court to reflect on the fact his client had been in custody for nearly six months prior to the hearing.

He said that Davies - who  has been diagnosed with autism and has a "‘number of numeric and literary deficiencies" - described prison as "absolutely terrifying".

He added: “Being surrounded by more experienced criminals has made him feel very vulnerable, and he feels that people have taken advantage of him.”

“Hopefully he will be able to be immediately released."

As a result of being in prison, Davies had lost custody of his two children, Mr Davies added.

Mr Recorder Eardley told Davies that he had caused his former partner "serious alarm and distress which has had an effect on her".

He sentenced him to 18 weeks imprisonment, with post-sentence supervision for a year and imposed a five-year restraining order forbidding him to contact the woman or her mother and go to their house.