The Parc against Darc ‘No Radar’ campaign took place in Pembrokeshire last Thursday and Friday (September 13).

Residents came together in Brawdy to protest the installation of a 27-dish radar network in the heart of St Davids peninsula.

The Darc radars proposed by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in cooperation with the ‘United States Space Force’ are tall multi-storey buildings which aim to improve local security by tracking and identifying objects in outer space.

Some of the protesters camped overnight. Some of the protesters camped overnight. (Image: Penny Dafforn) Cars drove past and tooted their support for the Parc against Darc protest.Cars drove past and tooted their support for the Parc against Darc protest. (Image: Penny Dafforn) However, Penny Dafforn believes the project will do more harm than good for the community.

She said: “To say they will create hundreds of jobs is a bit of a joke. They will all be staffed by Americans. There is nothing in it for Pembrokeshire. There are so many things our NHS needs instead of radars.

“When American’s come to any place in Britain they have a completely different attitude. We don’t weaponize people. We don’t want people testing guns in Pembrokeshire. We are a peaceful loving community.”

The protest comes after the campaign group in Solva claimed to already have 15,000 signatures opposing the development.

Penny continued: "During our protest we had a visit from the police who were happy with our peaceful protest. We attended the meeting in Solva I am still very concerned about the radar development.

"I asked several questions which the officials were unable to answer and I did not come away reassured.

"I hope that PPC (Pembrokeshire Planning & Building Control) are firm and as particular about this huge proposal as they are with smaller projects and private home owners."

MoD previously announced the Cawdor Barracks in Pembrokeshire would be the home of Darc.

Cawdor Barracks is currently home to 14 Signal Regiments and the Mod has revealed the barracks won’t close earlier than 2028.

The plan is to redevelop the site and keep it open while maintaining a permanent presence of 100 personnel to maintain the radar capability.