A local Member of the Senedd has slammed the Labour government’s ‘heartless decision’ to cut Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners across Pembrokeshire.

Around 21,000 pensioners in Mid and South Pembrokeshire are set to lose up to £300 this Winter.

This comes after warnings that some pensioners might be forced to choose between heating and eating.

Samuel Kurtz Member of the Senedd for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire said: “This heartless decision clearly shows where Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour Government’s priorities lie, and it’s certainly not with the 21,000 pensioners in Mid and South Pembrokeshire.

"Despite knowing that older people will struggle to heat their homes this winter – their own report acknowledged this – Labour MPs still chose to strip pensioners of this vital support.”

A total of 347 Labour MPs, including Labour MP for Mid and South Pembrokeshire, Henry Tufnell, voted to scrap the scheme in the House of Commons on September 10.

The decision has also been criticised by Senedd Member Paul Davies who believes pensioners are bound to suffer in the coming months.

According to Mr Davies, the payments were a lifeline to pensioners, and he considers it cruel to remove such a benefit.

Paul Davies, Member of the Senedd (MS) for Preseli PembrokeshirePaul Davies, Member of the Senedd (MS) for Preseli Pembrokeshire (Image: Supplied)

Paul Davies MS said: “The next few months will be very uncomfortable for many local pensioners, who will now be unable to receive a winter fuel payment.

“The policy has been rushed through without a serious consideration of the impact that it will have – and it’s disappointing that MPs have not done more to scrutinise this policy and hold the UK Labour Government to account.

“Thousands of local pensioners in Pembrokeshire will go without this valuable support this winter because of the UK Labour Government’s rush to implement this policy. It’s absolutely appalling, and the pensioners of Pembrokeshire deserve better.”

"It hasn’t taken long for Labour ministers and this Government to reveal their true colours. I would have voted against this plan, and I will continue to do everything in my power to support vulnerable pensioners through the challenging winter months ahead."

However, Mr Kurtz is determined to reverse the government’s decision amid claiming that union paymasters will enjoy above-inflation pay rises.

Samuel added: “It hasn’t taken long for Labour ministers and this Government to reveal their true colours.

"I would have voted against this plan, and I will continue to do everything in my power to support vulnerable pensioners through the challenging winter months ahead."