Plans for a new cricket strip at a south Pembrokeshire club which will allow year-round use have been given the go-ahead by the national park.

The application before Pembrokeshire coast National Park, by Wendy Bradshaw sought permission for a non-turf match pitch at the St Ishmaels Sports Club cricket field.

An officer report said: “It is proposed to introduce a permanent artificial cricket strip within the existing outfield. This will enable year-round use of this area. This proposed scheme is considered to have a scale, mass, form, and detailed design which is considered to be acceptable in this instance.  The scheme will benefit an existing community facility by allowing extended use.”

It adds: “The proposal is located at an existing cricket pitch facility that is grouped with other sporting and recreational facilities within St Ishmaels Sports Club. The application site is an established sports facility that has a significant spatial footprint. The small loss of green space will enable enhancement of the facility and the proposal comparatively, is modest in size and scale.

“As a replacement of an existing facility, the proposal is proportionate and modest in scale and size. The proposal reuses existing features of the facility and mimics hours of operation so as not to create any increase in amenity impacts. The broader application site will accommodate increased green infrastructure that will provide multiple benefits for users.

“Overall, the development will not create any detrimental impacts on the special qualities of the National Park.”