A local community-run theatre will now be open from morning to evening one day a week, with discounted tickets and hot drinks, as part of a new Welcome Wednesdays initiative.

Thanks to funding from Ffilm Cymru, Fishguard’s Theatr Gwaun will be open all day every Wednesday and run three film screenings.

The tickets for Welcome Wednesdays will be reduced to £6 and hot drinks will be available at a reduced rate of £1.

The screenings will look to welcome under-represented groups including parents and carers with babies and toddlers; deaf, disabled and neurodiverse customers and people of the global majority.

However, each film is open to everybody, whether they are from an under-represented group or not.

The theatre will be open from 10am every Wednesday so that customers can come in for coffee and a chat, as well as getting involved with making suggestions for the films for coming Wednesdays.

There will be an open invitation to film goers and other members of the community to enjoy all of the facilities at the theatre’s Martha’s Café and to use them to work, read, socialise, browse the artwork or simply sit and relax with a cuppa.

The Wednesday sessions will be scheduled as being either a relaxed screening where the house lights will remain on, at low level and the volume will be reduced; baby/toddler friendly screenings for those with pre-school children to enjoy film in an informal, child friendly setting or standard auditorium setting.

All of the screenings on a Wednesday will be subtitled.

“Welcome Wednesdays will also be an opportunity for Theatr Gwaun to present a range of film titles that will include mainstream film as well as independent titles.

“Amongst that we will be selecting films directed by and/or cast with people of the global majority as we celebrate the rich and diverse range of film from across the globe,” said a theatre spokesperson.

“It’s really welcome news for Theatr Gwaun and it means that we can realise one of many aspirations to have the theatre open all day every Wednesday.

“It will be fantastic to be able to extend this welcome to our communities and nudge the theatre forward in terms of our daytime availability.

“We are excited to see how these sessions develop and what new audiences and community connections we can make along the way.”