A blooming marvellous garden show that has been running for nearly eight decades has celebrated another outstanding event.

The recent 79th Croesgoch Garden Show attracted an amazing number of exhibitors and a high standard of entries.

The judges were very impressed with the fantastic array of flowers, vegetables, produce, craft and children’s exhibits on show, with the Bobby Grover Perpetual Trophy for the outstanding exhibit in show presented to Hedydd Hughes for her craft entry.

Richard Davies won several cups for his superb displays of flowers and vegetables, including the best exhibit in the flower section cup and the highest points in show cup.

Phillip Devonald also won many cups including the cup for outstanding exhibit in the vegetable section. Hanna Evans received the cup for the most points in the craft section and Hattie Phillips won the cup for the most points for a pupil in Ysgol Croesgoch.

The president, Wyn Thomas welcomed everyone to the event. Mr and Mrs Lyndon Richards of Tresare Farm, Square and Compass officially opened the show and were presented with a bouquet of flowers by Eva and Jack Phillips.

They thanked the committee for their continued work to ensure the success of the annual event.

During the show the new chairperson, Lydia Lawrence thanked John Robinson and David Rees for their valued contribution over many years to the garden show committee.