A PREDATOR has been warned he faces a prison sentence after he admitted abusing three children over a 24-year period.

65-year-old Mark Ford, of Ambleston, appeared in the dock at Swansea Crown Court charged with 10 historical child sex offences.

Ford was charged with three offences of indecent assault against a teenage girl between 1999 and 2001.

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He was also accused of indecency with a child and two offences of indecent assault against a second girl, who was under the age of 14, between 2000 and 2003.

Ford was further charged with two offences sexual assault of a child and two of causing that child to watch a sexual act – all between 2022 and 2023.

The defendant admitted one of the offences against the first child, indecency with a child and indecent assault against the second child, both offences of causing a child to watch a sexual act, and one offence of sexual assault against the third child.

He denied the remaining charges.

Prosecutor James Hartson said these pleas were acceptable, and a trial would not be sought on the remaining charges.

“They represent offending against all three victims,” he said.

“Justice can be done by accepting those pleas.”

Judge Huw Rees adjourned sentencing for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Ford was readmitted to bail, and will return to court to be sentenced on October 18. He must now register as a sex offender.

“Quite clearly these sentences pass the custody threshold,” Judge Rees warned Ford.

“You should prepare yourself for a period of imprisonment.”