POLICE have released the mugshots of two men who were caught after police uncovered a drugs operation capable of growing cannabis worth £767,000.

Flamur Vengo and Nertil Dallenga were discovered after a raid at a unit on Honeyborough Industrial Estate in Neyland last month.

The pair, both of no fixed abode, were each jailed for two years.

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Prosecutor Harry Dickens told Swansea Crown Court that armed police raided the unit in Neyland on August 10 and found a “sophisticated growing operation”.

Inside was a total of 914 cannabis plants that police experts estimated could have produced a yield of between 25 and 76 kilograms of cannabis. This could have a value of between £255,000 and £767,000 if sold in street deals, Mr Dickens said.

Also inside the unit was two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, a fully-stocked fridge, an office area, and a washing machine.

Vengo, 41, was arrested in the roof of the unit, whilst Dallenga was found three days later – as officers continued dismantling the operation – hidden within the insulation of the unit. He was in such a bad condition that he had to be taken to Withybush Hospital before being arrested.

Flamur Vengo had previously been deported after being convicted of producing cannabis.Flamur Vengo had previously been deported after being convicted of producing cannabis. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

Dallenga, 27, gave a no comment interview, whilst Vengo said he had met a group of people in a London coffee shop who had offered him construction work in west Wales. When he discovered it was a cannabis farm, he said he was told he couldn’t leave and threats were made against his family back in Greece.

The judge, Recorder Simon Hughes, dismissed Vengo’s explanation to police as “pretty unbelievable” after hearing the group was reported to have been the same people involved in his previous offence.

“Desperation is the cause of his behaviour,” said Ryan Bowen, appearing for Vengo. He added that Vengo came to the UK to earn money to pay for his daughter's medical bills.

Dan Griffiths, for Dallenga said: “He’s an Albanian national who had entered the UK illegally. He was working for a criminal gang so as to discharge a debt.

“He doesn’t assert he was pressured in to doing this. He knew what he was getting in to.

“He was clearly at the bottom rung of the ladder.”

Nertil Dallenga was found hiding inside the unit three days after the raid.Nertil Dallenga was found hiding inside the unit three days after the raid. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

Vengo pleaded guilty to producing cannabis, whilst Dallenga admitted being concerned in the production of cannabis.

The defendants will serve 12 months in prison before being released on licence for the remainder of their sentence.

“The reality, however, in both of your situations is once you are released, you will be deported,” Recorder Hughes said.