Do you have a wedding dress, christening gown, nativity play costume or other memorabilia from a Pembrokeshire church? If so your input could make a forthcoming exhibition a real success.

Steynton Church is hosting a celebration of life events exhibition this month and is asking those connected with the church in any way to bring along their memorabilia.

Steynton has a history of a choir, Sunday school, nativity plays, mothers and toddlers groups and church trips to the Cathedral on Ascension Day, as well as a Mothers Union, and many more.

Anyone with old photos taken of the church or of an event, there are often photos of a grandparent or an uncle in a suit next to the vicar from 1930 that’s tucked away somewhere, is asked to get in touch.

In the 1980s the people of Steynton purchased slates off the roof to raise money for the new roof anyone with one of the original slates, or anyone with family members buried in the graveyard is asked to contact the organisers.

“There are so many ways in which we might be connected,” said assistant curate Rev'd Nicola Davies “All of this information gathered together forms an important record of local history and what a great way to record these items.

“The success of this event hinges on the willingness of people to share with us in order to create our exhibition and we are asking for people, individuals or families, to share photographs and stories from our church over the years. The easiest of which is usually weddings and christenings.”

Brides who were married in Steynton ae asked to dig out those dresses from the loft, complete with mud on the hem, even dresses from grandparents or photographs of their weddings.

Bridesmaid dresses, hats and fascinators from mothers of the bride, are also a welcome addition to the display as are orders of service and photos of wedding cakes.

As part of the event their will be the opportunity to ascend the bell tower. There will also be an A3 printer available to take copies of the parish registers and a selection of local history books available.

A previous Life Events exhibition at Rosemarket Church.

Other Steynton Church memorabilia sought for the exhibition includes: Church, choir, organist or clergy photos from across the generations; Sunday school or nativity photos; photos of church events, fates or gatherings; prayer books given at confirmation; photos from flower festivals; school visits; certificates from baptism, confirmation, weddings band information about church groups, such as Mothers Union.

The exhibition will be held in Steynton Parish Church from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 14th September and Sunday 15th September, with a service on the Sunday from 11am to 12noon. All are welcome.

To contribute to the exhibition, contact Rev'd Davies on