A MAJOR nationwide protest against the blanket 20mph speed limit in Wales is being planned for next weekend. 

Senedd Lobby Group was established in 2023 to monitor and protest against the impact of the 20mph legislation and hold the Welsh Government to account, and currently has members from all over Wales. 

Now, the group have made plans for a Wales-wide protest against the ongoing 20mph blanket speed limit, set to conclude on the steps of the Senedd on Tuesday, September 17, the official first anniversary of the legislation being passed. 

Since the implementation of the 20mph legislation in September 2023, protest groups have gathered across Wales to voice their concerns and 14 protests have taken place on the steps of the Senedd to date. 

This is after nearly 500,000 people signed a petition against the legislation.  The Welsh Labour Government says they are listening but the group says so far it is hard to see any evidence for that statement. 

A statement from the Senedd Lobby Group said: "Nothing has changed other than the problem being deflected onto local authorities who then have their hands tied by the guidance from the Welsh Labour Government."

As the one-year anniversary approaches an 'Around Wales Protest' is being organised so that all parts of Wales have the opportunity to join in and make their voices heard. 

The protest will take place over two days, September 14 and 15,and will be   concluding on the Senedd steps on the actual anniversary of the legislation on Tuesday, September 17 from 1-4pm. 

Plans are well underway with a great many people already signed up to link with the protest as it travels across Wales.  

According to data released by the Welsh Government, which shows an increase in deaths and serious injuries across all roads combined for the first 6 months of available data. 

In the fourth quarter of 2022/2023 there was an increase of six deaths and 26 serious injuries,  and in the first quarter of 2023/24 there was no decrease in deaths and an increase of 10 serious injuries. 

The Senedd Lobby Group is now asking the Welsh Government to explain why this trend has seemingly appeared since the introduction of this legislation. 

A spokesperson for the group added: "Whilst the group has never felt like they were alone in holding Welsh Government to account, we are delighted that the ULEZ group from London want to join us and add their additional support to the Convoy.   

"The group fully support the aims of the convoy in carrying out a peaceful but high profile across Wales drive to show that we are still not getting used to the legislation and we need Welsh Government to listen to our concerns and act on them."

Members of the Senedd are being invited to talk with the protesters at any one of the start, breaks and finishing points of the protest convoy, with the group promising they will provide a friendly welcome and an opportunity for a two-way discussion.