A new war memorial will be unveiled later this month in a Pembrokeshire village.

The contemporary design in St Ishmaels, a culmination of a five-year project commissioned by St Ishmaels Community Council, is set to be officially unveiled on Sunday, September 15 at 3pm.

The dedication ceremony will be presided over by the assistant bishop of St David's, The Rt Revd Dr John Saxbee, with representatives from different faiths, the Royal British Legion, the Armed Forces, emergency services, and a number of county officials in attendance.

The unique memorial, crafted by award-winning artist, Howard Bowcott, bears the influence of Annabel Thomas, international art dealer, and the Revd Mike Cottam, clerk to the community council.

The design pays tribute to all those affected by conflict, celebrating hope for each new generation.

A distinct feature of the red sandstone structure are the hand-modelled shells by children from Coastlands Primary School, underlining the significance of youth engagement.

Standing 9ft 6ins high, the memorial highlights the connection between today's youth and the future for which 12 youths named on the cenotaph gave their lives.

Music for the ceremony will be provided by the Milford Haven Town Band.

Post-ceremony, attendees have the opportunity to engage with the artist regarding the memorial's creation over tea and cakes.