A dangerous Pembrokeshire junction - which saw three fatalities in 12 years -  now finally has the permanent traffic lights that campaigners have been calling for.

The lights at the Nash Fingerpost junction near Pembroke on the A477 came into operation on Wednesday August 14.

The ‘intelligent’ lights ensure that the main A477 road in both directions is given priority, and will only switch to a red light when traffic is waiting to join from the A4075 Pembroke road. This will allow cars to safely join the main road without fear of oncoming traffic.

A petition calling for safety improvements at the junction attracted more than 10,000 signatures calling for safety improvements, which meant it had qualified to go forward go for debate in the Senedd.

The petition was launched following the tragic death of motorcyclist Ashley Rogers of Kilgetty, in May 2023.

Long campaign

South Pembrokeshire’s Senedd member, Samuel Kurtz, has congratulated the community following their long campaign efforts as the Nash Fingerpost safety improvements near completion.

Having raised the dangerous junction in the Welsh Parliament several times since his election in 2021, Mr Kurtz has said that the size of the  petition made it impossible for the Welsh Labour Government to ignore the community.

He subsequently invited the then chair of the Petitions Committee to meet with campaigners at the junction.


The reaction of road users to the traffic lights has been positive, Mr Kurtz added.

He said:“I’ve spoken to a number of people who’ve used the new junction and who are delighted with how easy it was to use, and how safe they felt using it.

"This really will make a difference to safety with minimal impact on journey times, if any impact at all.

“I’d like to thank every single person who signed the petition, who got in touch with me, and who helped elevate this project up the list within the Welsh Government. I’m pleased to have played my small part in pushing the Welsh Government to act, to make safe this dangerous junction, and I think we as a community can be proud that together, we’ve succeeded.”


Further traffic management on the road is due to make a temporary return.

A spokesperson for the Welsh Government said: "The permanent lights are now operational and traffic management has been removed to help with congestion over the summer period.

"The outstanding works will be completed in September. This will require the reintroduction of traffic management, but only during off peak hours i.e. 9.30 am to 3.30 pm."