A HEROIN dealer from Pembroke Dock has switched his plea to guilty on the day of trial.

Christopher Brockway, 44, of Church Street, had been due to stand trial at Swansea Crown Court charged with possessing diamorphine with intent to supply and possessing criminal property.

Brockway was alleged to have been in possession of “18 or more grams of heroin” with the intent of supplying it.

He had pleaded not guilty, but guilty to a lesser alternative charge of possession, claiming the heroin was for his own personal use.

He also denied a charge of possessing criminal property, relating to “in excess of £2,000” found “secreted in a cushion” on a sofa.

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On the day he was due to stand trial, Brockway pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply diamorphine.

Prosecutor Regan Walters said this plea was acceptable, and a trial would not be sought on the remaining offence.

“The defendant is realistic about his position, but would wish to be sentenced as soon as possible,” defence counsel David Singh said.

Judge Geraint Walters told Brockway he would be sentenced on Thursday, August 22.