A letter from Neil Chapman, Childline Team Manager, NSPCC Cymru

Dear Editor,

A poll commissioned recently by the NSPCC has revealed that more than eight out of 10 UK parents believe in-person play has a positive impact on children’s wellbeing.

The YouGov survey of over 1,000 UK parents, with children aged 18 or under, also found that 62 per cent of respondents would like their children to have more time to play and almost a third (32 per cent) said playing with peers is the best way to enhance their child’s experience and promote learning and development.

Play is central to thriving childhoods.

This data highlights the benefits of all types of play, whether in-person or online, as children spend weeks away from school during the summer holidays.

The NSPCC-run service, Childline, is hearing first-hand about the challenges that some children face during this time. Some young people tell us that they struggle to cope being out of their school routine, whilst others feel disconnected from their friends and, for some, home is not a happy environment.

Childline’s trained counsellors promote play as a helpful tool that children can use to support their wellbeing, reduce anxiety and release stress. Ensuring your child has a variety of different types of play, will help them cope in difficult times, connect with others, build confidence and learn more about the world around them.

Whether it be playing a board game, football or visiting the Childline website and playing a game in our online toolbox, all types of play can be beneficial.

Children can get in touch with Childline 24/7 every day of the year on childline.org.uk or by calling 0800 1111.

Neil Chapman, Childline Team Manager, NSPCC Cymru