Narberth Carnival triumphed over the weather forecast this afternoon, Saturday July 27, and took to the streets of the town in ideal conditions.

The town embraced the event’s new start time to turn out in force, lining the High Street and Spring Gardens to enjoy the lively procession.

Town crier Ceri Barnes led the parade, with Goodwick Brass Band delivering a stirring performance around the route.

There was plenty of entertainment provided by the floats and walking characters in the parade.

Ahoy me hearties! The 'Jolly Nobbler' from Narberth Nobblers sets sail.Ahoy me hearties! The 'Jolly Nobbler' from Narberth Nobblers sets sail. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Trail running group, the Narberth Nobblers, created a magnificent pirate tableux, feautuirng plenty of yo-ho-hos, parrots, cutlasses and sea shanty sounds from the Jolly Nobbler.

And on the day after the Paris Olympics’ stunning opening ceremony, the Narberth Goes for Gold float from a large group of Narberth families and friends struck a highly topical note.

Cathy Howell and Ianto brought Parisian chic to the Olympics float.Cathy Howell and Ianto brought Parisian chic to the Olympics float. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

‘Athletes’ of all ages and sizes sported their medals for a variety of disciplines, with their float crowned by a replica of the Eiffel Tower.

They reigned on the parade!They reigned on the parade! (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

The Carnival Queen was 12-year-old Kristina Thu Foldi, while her six-year-old sister, Lilly Thu Foldi, was Carnival Princess. Fairy Queen was Daisy-Mae Fulcher, 4, and Rose Queen was Seren Jenkins, 8, with the royal ensemble completed by Carnival Prince Bran Watkins.

Farming friends from Narberth and Crinow dressed up in style to reinforce their industry's message.Farming friends from Narberth and Crinow dressed up in style to reinforce their industry's message. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Narberth mayor and Narberth Civic Week chairman Chris Walters was delighted to see so many people turning out to enjoy the carnival – and even more pleased that the threatened rain held off.

The recently-formed Narbelles WI sported some splendid food-themed headgear in support of Narberth Foodbank. The friendly group welcomes new members - see Narbelles WI on Facebook.The recently-formed Narbelles WI sported some splendid food-themed headgear in support of Narberth Foodbank. The friendly group welcomes new members - see Narbelles WI on Facebook. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

“It’s great to have the weather on our side today,” he said. “We’ve taken a bit of a gamble today by bringing the carnival start time forward, after requests from the public.

Here come Mario, Luigi and Sonic the Hedgehog, courtesy of Fin, Harry and Teddy.Here come Mario, Luigi and Sonic the Hedgehog, courtesy of Fin, Harry and Teddy. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

“We’ll be getting feedback after the event about the time change, and we can always revert back if necessary.”

Huw, Katy, Flynn and Ffion Owen transformed themselves into this splendid Lego family.Huw, Katy, Flynn and Ffion Owen transformed themselves into this splendid Lego family. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Chris said that Narberth Civic Week had been ‘fantastic’, and although Wednesday night’s pram push had to be cancelled because of the rain, other events were moved indoors if necessary.

Spreading peace and love were Saskia and Amberlily Minton.Spreading peace and love were Saskia and Amberlily Minton. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

“Civic Week only has a small committee but they have done an excellent job,” he said.

Harry Potter meets Fireman Sam! Nick Poole, Hannah James and Freddie Poole (top) and Elaine Williams, Theo Eynon-Williams and Ceri Eynon all dressed up in style.Harry Potter meets Fireman Sam! Nick Poole, Hannah James and Freddie Poole (top) and Elaine Williams, Theo Eynon-Williams and Ceri Eynon all dressed up in style. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography) Chris thanked Civic Week secretary Caroline Coaker - who is retiring from the role this year - for all her hard work.

Narberth's Grace Church promoted their community work and the Narberth Foodbank.Narberth's Grace Church promoted their community work and the Narberth Foodbank. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

On a sad note,he dedicated this year’s carnival and Civic Week to the organisation’s former financial officer, Cllr Sue Rees, who sadly died earlier this year.

A knock-out costume from three-year-old Olympian, Hughie Evans.A knock-out costume from three-year-old Olympian, Hughie Evans. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Goodwick Brass Band led the carnival parade.Goodwick Brass Band led the carnival parade. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

These Narberth pals got busy with the face paint for their Inside Out 2 entry.These Narberth pals got busy with the face paint for their Inside Out 2 entry. (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)

Here's Super Mario and friends again (Amber, Rebecca and Matthew Hartt) with Cruella De Vil and pup (Cerys Thomas, Jac Thomas and Amy Evans).Here's Super Mario and friends again (Amber, Rebecca and Matthew Hartt) with Cruella De Vil and pup (Cerys Thomas, Jac Thomas and Amy Evans). (Image: Gareth Davies Photography)