A fisherman strangled his partner’s mum and sprayed a can of drink in her face after an early hours argument a court has heard.

Jake Bowman-Davies’ partner rang her parents at 1am on December 17 last year. They could hear their daughter shouting and screaming and Bowman-Davies in the background.

The mother made her way to her daughter’s address and found her daughter in the hallway with Bowman-Davies, 26 of Lighthouse Drive Llanstadwell, screaming at her.

Bowman-Davies then started to scream in the mother’s face before grabbing her by the throat and squeezing, restricting her ability to breathe.

The mother felt her face go hot and genuinely feared that he was not going to let go.

Bowman-Davies partner was shouting at him to let go of her mother. He did so when the mother managed to punch him.

When the mother managed to get him to the front door, he opened a can of alcohol and sprayed it over her.

Bowman-Davies was arrested and in a police interview denied the assault and spraying the drink. The case was listed for trial before he admitted intentional strangulation. 

In a victim personal statement the mother said that she felt fearful for her daughter and family and upset that the assault had occurred in front of a child.

The court heard that Bowman- Davies worked long periods at sea on his father’s fishing boat.

He would not drink at sea but would binge drink while ashore. He had drunk six cans of alcohol prior to the incident but denied allegations that he had taken cocaine.

He has two previous convictions for three offences including criminal damage, possession of cocaine and drug driving.

Bowman-Davies has been in prison for the last 158 days due to breaching his bail conditions.

The court heard that he is imminently due to be a father for the second time with the daughter of his victim and the couple were hoping to be reconciled.

“You are a father and the father of a child about to be born,” said His Honour Judge Huw Rees.

“That is a great responsibility. No child should see violence between adults of this kind.

“You went about this in the wrong way, I hope you feel ashamed of what you did not only by restricting her ability to breathe but by spraying alcohol over her.”

Judge Rees said he would not impose any further time in custody.

“Your priority is to serve your family and provide for your children in the future,” he said.

He imposed a 16-month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months alongside a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and 120 hours of unpaid work as well as a three year restraining order to protect the victim.

Formal not guilty verdicts were entered for three other charges of assault and criminal damage, with the prosecution offering no evidence.

Judge Rees warned Bowman-Davies that if he breached the order or committed further offences he could face more time in prison.

“I do not expect to see you again,” he told him.