A MAN pulled an airsoft pistol on his neighbour and her baby after she knocked on his door to ask them to turn their music down.

Prosecutor Harry Dickens told the court that the victim moved in to her flat in Felinfach last year, but had had issues with Jakub Borzym and his partner – who lived in the flat above – ever since.

Around 10 minutes after she returned home on May 27, loud music started blaring out from the upstairs flat.

She messaged the defendant saying the noise was “ridiculous”, before going up to confront them.

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As Borzym answered the door, “she noticed he was holding a black gun in his hand,” Mr Dickens said.

“He raised it at her and her baby and said ‘Go on then’.”

The victim – who recorded the whole incident on her phone – said she was initially scared by this.

However, she then said to Borzym: ‘Look at you pulling that gun’. The defendant replied: ‘It’s fake anyway’ before removing the magazine.

The victim went back to her flat and called the police.

Firearms officers attended, and Borzym was arrested. The gun was seized from a bedside table.

Borzym’s girlfriend told police that the defendant thought it was the victim’s boyfriend at the door “looking for a fight”, and so he took the airsoft gun “to protect his family”.

The 21-year-old defendant, whose given address to the court was in Ponterwyd after he temporarily moved out whilst proceedings were ongoing, pleaded guilty to possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

Dyfed Thomas, in mitigation, said Borzym had no previous convictions.

“There must have been something wrong in his thinking – the way that he acted,” he said.

“The defendant fully accepts you don’t point guns at anyone and expect it to be anything other than your fault.”

Mr Thomas said that, without wanting to diminish the incident, the gun was pulled for “two seconds” before Borzym admitted it wasn’t real.

Judge Catherine Richards sentenced Borzym for six months, suspended for 12 months. He must complete 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

As the defendant would be moving back in to his flat, Judge Richards warned: “The obligation is on you not to breach that order and to resolve matters in a civil manner.”