A WOMAN who was spared jail after stabbing her now-former boyfriend for using up the last of their milk was called back to court after showing up to the probation service whilst high.

Melissa Eynon, 32, of Hill Street in Haverfordwest, attacked her partner of six months on February 3 with a kitchen knife with a four-inch blade.

The court was told that her partner went downstairs to make her a cup of tea, but instead made himself some cereal. When she came downstairs, she saw there was no milk left.

Eynon picked up a kitchen knife and her partner raised his hands to protect his face. She stabbed him in the hand and then in the right forearm – with the knife lodging in his arm.

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The defendant pleaded guilty to an offence of unlawful wounding.

“If we all took knives to our partners for drinking too much milk, the world would be in a sorry state,” Recorder Greg Bull KC said as he sentenced Eynon to 13 months and two weeks, suspended for 18 months.

She was also ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Eynon came back before Swansea Crown Court as she was accused of breaching the terms of her suspended sentence.

Regan Walters, prosecuting, told the court that Eynon had failed to show up for appointments with the probation service on June 6 and 12.

Mr Walters said the June 6 appointment was due to be her probation induction.

The court heard that Eynon did attend another appointment, however “it was noted that the defendant appeared to be under the influence of controlled drugs at the time,” Mr Walters said.

Jon Tarrant, appearing for Eynon, said the defendant’s criminal history was “limited” and “has only been in the last few years”.

“She offers her apologies to the court,” he said.

Addressing the original offence, Mr Tarrant said: “There were some issues. It was a domestic issue.

“It appears that matters were quite fraught in that household.”

Judge Catherine Richards described Eynon’s position as “regrettable”.  

“You breached the order so soon after the order was imposed,” she said, adding this left her no alternative other than to activate the suspended sentence.

Eynon will serve up to half her sentence in prison, before serving the rest in the community on licence.