Two rural Pembrokeshire primary schools have been given top marks by Estyn inspectors.

The inspectors have praised the Federation of Ysgol Brynconin and Ysgol Maenclochog for being "happy, caring and supportive" communities.

Ysgol Brynconin, in Llandissilio, and Ysgol Maenclochog were visited by Estyn - the education and training inspectorate in Wales - in May.

The inspectors' report noted the strong safeguarding culture of both schools which creates "a happy, safe and supportive community", with staff of both schools committed to ensure a high quality of care and pupils' well-being.

Thumbs up from Ysgol Brynconin.Thumbs up from Ysgol Brynconin. (Image: Pembrokeshire County Council)

The inspectors noted the pupils' pride in the Welsh language and the history and culture of the area, and said that this - together with politeness and pupils' respect - was celebrated "particularly well".

They also found that, during their time at school, many pupils - including those with additional learning needs - make strong progress from their starting point.

The inspection team continued: "A strong feature of both schools is the purposeful opportunities given to the pupils to influence decisions relating to the life of the school.

Marvellous news for Ysgol Maenclochog.Marvellous news for Ysgol Maenclochog. (Image: Pembrokeshire County Council)

"The relationship between the schools and the community is extremely strong and parents are proud that their children attend schools which are so supportive and which are completely central to a rural community.

"The school and staff know their pupils, their families and the local community very well. They give high priority to the welfare and care of pupils.

Praise for Mr Eynon

"The headteacher leads the school extremely effectively and has a clear vision in terms of creating a caring and supportive ethos.

"The headteacher's wise and firm leadership, in collaboration with the governors and staff, has created an effective learning community within the two schools where children feel safe and thrive.


Headteacher, Edryd Eynon, said: “I am delighted with this report. Ysgol Brynconin and Ysgol Maenclochog are two very special schools and I am extremely proud to be head of both schools.

"I would like to praise the excellent staff and governors who have worked tirelessly to ensure that every pupil is valued and that their well-being and progress in their learning is paramount.

Ysgol Brynconin and Ysgol Maenclochog are schools that our pupils, families and the wider community can be very proud of.”

"Hard and special work"

Chairman of the governing body, David Howell, added his pride and said: 

"It was a pleasure to welcome the inspection team, and I was pleased that they were able to see what’s great about our Federation - especially their comments on the special collaboration that takes place between the two schools.

“We know our schools well and we can all be extremely proud of this report; a good reflection of the hard and special work of all the stakeholders at the Federation of Ysgol Brynconin and Ysgol Maenclochog.”