Two people were plucked from the sea at a remote Pembrokeshire beach in the early hours of this morning.

Police, a rescue helicopter, lifeboat and coastguard crews were tasked to search for a person in the water off the Pembrokeshire coast.

At 1.55am today, Sunday July 14, coastguards received reports of a person in the water, possibly missing at the remote Lindsway Beach, accessible only from the coast path near St Ishmaels.

Angle lifeboat launched to the emergency and made best speed to the area. Once on scene, the crew located two people in the water. The lifeboat’s smaller inflatable Y boat was swiftly launched to recover both casualties.

When on the Y boat, one of the casualties became unresponsive. Both people were immediately transferred onto Angle’s All Weather Lifeboat and the crew began heading for the Mackerel Stage at Milford Haven.

Police, paramedics and coastguards, including Dale and Broad Haven Coastguard Rescue Teams and Coastguard Rescue Helicopter R187, had been redirected to meet them at the Mackerel Stage.

Once alongside both casualties were handed over into the care of paramedics and were taken to hospital by ambulance.

The Lifeboat crew was then stood down to return to station. The Lifeboat was back on her mooring and ready for further service by 3am.