A woman has bounced back from abuse and suicidal thoughts to become a double British jiu-jitsu Champion.

Beckie Small, who lives in Pembrokeshire, captured two gold medals in Brazilian jiu-jitsu at the British open on May 19 in Manchester – one in the 58.5kg division and another in the open weight category.

Beckie, a mother-of-four, has overcome a number of hurdles to claim the honour.

Beckie won a gold medal in the 58.5kg division and another in the open weight category.Beckie won a gold medal in the 58.5kg division and another in the open weight category. (Image: Beckie Small) She said: “At my lowest point I was suicidal, and my brother actually committed suicide. It’s so important for me to be a good role model to my loved ones.

“I want my children to believe in themselves and not believe what others say. I was told I couldn’t do it. That I could not be on my own. My children struggled as well.

“They have seen me at rock bottom, and when I was a victim. I had to leave everyone behind. I had to start completely from scratch.

“More needs to be done for women in abusive relationships. There are good and bad people in both sexes. Gender is irrelevant. There needs to be an overhaul of the system. We all need to be more open with what we are struggling with.”

Beckie wants to be a good role model to her four children.Beckie wants to be a good role model to her four children. (Image: Beckie Small) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu helped Beckie deal with her mental health issues, and she is proud of her achievements.

Beckie continued: “It was a very positive experience to win two gold medals at the British open, especially as I’ve had a difficult time with my mental health. When I was going through my struggles, Jiu-jitsu training helped.

“I wasn’t part of any sports clubs to begin with. I joined a Brazilian jiu-jitsu club with my ex-partner. Jiu-jitsu is built around finding a way for the smallest person to win and beat someone who is much bigger than them.”

Beckie wants to continue to prove people wrong.Beckie wants to continue to prove people wrong. (Image: Beckie Small) Now Beckie wants to build on her success and continue to prove people wrong in life and in jiu-jitsu.

“I’ve been promoted to the next level and hopefully I can start competing again very soon. I’m studying at the moment, but a lot of the competitors I’ve come up against are full-time athletes.

“They compete every month, so it was a great achievement to beat them and win two gold medals.”

After becoming a double British champion, Beckie also posted on her Instagram: "It's been a long road from broken at the bottom. In October 2022 I sat and cried to a support worker in the refuge that I was living in because I was too anxious to leave to go to a new gym.

"Thank you to all my amazing new team mates - @spg_martialarts and my coach @shanetprice for building my confidence and believing in me.

"Special thanks to my son @ironmanlegs_ for everything you do and always being my biggest fan.  I'm so grateful for the bond our jiu-jitsu journey has created."