Kindness, friendship and gratitude were the themes of the recent Templeton School Summer Spectacular.

A large congregation of parents, grandparents and friends gathered in the village’s St. John’s Church on June 14 for the occasion.

Everyone wore their favourite outfits.Everyone wore their favourite outfits. (Image: Templeton School)

The audience was treated to a variety of performances from both individuals and the choir, and the enthusiasm of the children was both infectious and uplifting.

All ages enjoyed taking part.All ages enjoyed taking part. (Image: Templeton School) The concert was followed by hot dogs and cakes in the Community Hall.

It was a big occasion for the younger performers.It was a big occasion for the younger performers. (Image: Templeton School)

The members of St John’s Church said afterwards how much they enjoyed the concert. They also added their appreciation to headteacher Kevin Phelps for his the help and support; all the staff Templeton School and the children for their enthusiastic involvement.

The theme of the evening was kindness, friendship and gratitude.The theme of the evening was kindness, friendship and gratitude. (Image: Templeton School)