A fatal accident is waiting to happen on a single-lane road in Pembrokeshire which has become a speed restriction-avoidance short-cut, a resident is warning.

Drivers are now using the narrow Clayford Road near Pentlepoir  - where the speed limit is 60mph - as an alternative to the main A478 through the village, where a 20mph limit in in force.

Sat-navs are also directing traffic down the rural route to add to the congestion.

The A478 junction with Clayford Road.The A478 junction with Clayford Road. (Image: Google Street View)

'National speed limit' signs are on display at the start of Clayford Road, and  this means a limit of 60mph on single carriageway roads and 70mph on dual carriageways and motorways.

Businessman Frank Booth, who lives at the Cold Inn end of Clayford Road, is now urging Pembrokeshire County Council to extend the 20mph limit to the lane.

In a letter to the authority’s chief executive, Will Bramble, Mr Booth said: “Since the introduction of the 20mph speed limit in Pentlepoir, Clayford Road has become a short cut in order to avoid the slower speed restrictions.

Buses and large lorries

“Sat-nav systems are now encouraging vehicles of every size to take the Clayford Road route, including buses and large lorries.

Clayford Road is a single lane route allowing two-way traffic. The road has sharp bends and blind corners with very few places it is possible to pass safely and has always been dangerous.

“Since the frequent diversion of traffic to this route as a result of the speed restrictions in Pentlepoir this has worsened, and it is my opinion that it is only a matter of time until there will be a fatal road traffic accident here.

“Please could I request that you consider making Clayford Road a 20mph speed restricted area with signs and possibly sleeping policemen.

"We hope that this will achieve both slower driving speeds and the frequent diversion of traffic along this route. In doing so I hope that this will make the road far safer and will potentially save lives.”