A golfer’s grisly discovery on a Pembrokeshire course led to a crime scene alert.

Playing near the ninth hole of Tenby Golf Course last Friday, the member was startled to find what appeared to be a skeletal human hand in a rabbit hole, He alerted club management and police were called to the scene.

The area around the ninth hole was cordoned off to preserve any potential evidence, and photographs of the skeletal remains were taken and sent to police headquarters for analysis to determine whether the hand was human.

Tenby Golf Club revealed the alarming discovery in a Facebook post, where they added: “Initial scans at headquarters were inconclusive, leaving room for speculation and anxiety among the members and staff.

Not what you expect to find during a game of golf!Not what you expect to find during a game of golf! (Image: Tenby Golf Club)

"In response, the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) was brought in to conduct a thorough examination.

"After several tense hours of meticulous investigation, the CSI team confirmed that the skeletal hand did not belong to a human. Instead, it was determined to be from an animal of an unknown species.

"This revelation brought a wave of relief to the golf club, as the discovery of human remains could have necessitated extensive and disruptive excavation of the fairway."

The unexpected find has been the talk of the club over the weekend, with relief being expressed that the discovery was not sinister as first thought.

 “It’s not every day you come across something like this on a golf course,” commented golf manager David Hancock. “It certainly added a bit of excitement and mystery to our usual routine.”