Visitors from Canada and Australia were among the large audience when Pembroke and District Male Voice Choir staged at St Johns Church, Tenby, on Tuesday June 25.

They were invited to add their voices to mark the 95th birthday of the choir’s senior member, second tenor Frank Harries, who has been a chorister for 67 years.

Frank and colleagues were in excellent form, the varied and thoughtful programme chosen by musical director Juliet Rossiter being warmly applauded.

Soloists were singer/songwriter and first tenor Peter Halifax, on guitar, and flautist Alyson Griffiths, and Alyson joined MC Matthew John in a duet of well-remembered wartime songs.

Matthew, renowned for his jokes, chose one about Scottish football, luckily without any of the audience confessing to be from north of the border!

Following the retirement of their accompanist ,the choir has been fortunate to call on the support of Peter Griffiths, already accompanist to a number of county musical groups, to stand in for this and further concerts. He was warmly thanked by choristers and audience.

The choir is keen to hear from pianists who would like to be a key part of this well-regarded and successful music team.

 Further information isavailable from the choir secretary on 07572 080401.

Choristers were especially pleased to welcome Caroline, wife of their first tenor colleague, the late David Asparassa.

Thanks from the church were extended by Liz Storey and church ladies later provided fine refreshments in the schoolroom. They were thanked by choir chairman Huw Morgan.

The choir’s next concert is on Sunday July 21 at Angle Church.