NEW figures from Dyfed-Powys Police have revealed the number of officers and staff who were sacked for sexual offences or discrimination in a four-year period..

Dyfed-Powys Police confirmed that 43 conduct and complaint investigations took place between 2019 and 2022 for allegations of discriminatory behaviour, following a Freedom of Information Act request by the Western Telegraph on May 30 last year.

In a response published on July 4 this year, the force confirmed that a further ten investigations had been held over allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault or other sexual conduct between 2019 and 2022.

Two investigations were held in to police officers or staff in 2020, with three the following year and five in 2022.

Dyfed-Powys Police confirmed that two officers or staff members had been sacked from the force for sexual offences during the four-year period – one in 2019 and one in 2021.

In 2020, Dyfed-Powys Police recorded 23 conduct and complaint investigations for discriminatory behaviour, with 11 in 2021 and nine in 2022.

The force said that this led to one officer or staff member being either sacked or reprimanded for racial, homophobic or misogynistic offences in 2022.

In 2019, chief officer of Dyfed-Powys Police Special Constabulary Cairn Newton-Evans was dismissed after he admitted sexually assaulting two colleagues on a night out.

He admitted gross misconduct, and was given a conditional caution and was banned from working as an officer.

PC Simon England was accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour and comments towards colleagues and indirectly towards members of the public, which he admitted amounted to gross misconduct. However, a conduct panel in 2019 originally determined he could return to front-line duties.

Dyfed-Powys Police challenged the findings, and following a judicial review, he was dismissed with immediate effect.

Claire Parmenter, temporary chief constable at the time of the second hearing, said: “The force cannot and will not tolerate behaviour of this kind. We will always take action to protect our officers, staff, and without question, the public.

“It is vital that we maintain public confidence in the force, and public confidence cannot be upheld by allowing individuals who behave in such a way to remain in the organisation.”

And after the end of this four-year period, assistant chief constable Steve Cockwell said the force “expects the highest standards of professional behaviour from its officers and staff, both on and off duty” as former police officer Simon Williams was told he would have been sacked had he not retired.

Mr Williams was accused of touching a woman without her consent at a pub whilst off-duty in November 2022, however he had retired from the force in March 2023 whilst the allegations were being investigated.

He fully admitted the offence in interview and received a conditional caution, and on May 18, 2023, it was found his conduct amounted to gross misconduct.

Assistant chief constable Cockwell said: “The outcome of today’s hearing is reflective of this approach and I hope reassures the public that the force will do all it can to maintain high standards in respect of the conduct of its officers and staff, whether on or off duty and whether still serving or not.”