A jazz quintet played in Narberth recently.

On June 20, concluding their UK tour at the Plas in their only Welsh gig, the Clarke Tracy Quintet delivered two riveting sets.

The first began with two varied pieces, 'Rainbow At The Five Mile Road' and ‘Euphony’ by Stan Tracey, followed by a skilfully performed ‘My One and Only Love’ by RJ Gilbert.

The challenging 'Blue Monk' by Thelonious saw pianist Dave Newton shine in a dazzling performance.

The quintet then amazed the audience with ‘A Bitta Bittadose’, allowing each musician to take the spotlight.

The interplay between Simon Allen and RJ Gilbert's reeds, Dave Newton's inventive piano playing, Al Swainger's double bass, and Clark Tracey's impressive drumming combined into a compelling spectacle.

The second set kicked off with another Stan Tracey piece ‘A Funky Day in Cardiff Bay’. All musicians astounded the audience with their talent, particularly Simon Allen on the soprano sax, during 'St Thomas'. The event ended with Rollin’s ‘Oled’, a fitting encore for a high-quality musical evening.

The Arts Council of Wales 'Night Out' scheme supported the event.

The next Narberth Jazz presentation - the fourth annual garden party at Lampeter House, will take place on July 28 at 3pm.

Tickets are available onsite or via the website.