A Narberth venue will be launching an open mic night for young people.

The Queens Hall Narberth's Youth Open Mic (YOM) nights kick off as part of the Narberth Civic Week celebrations on July 25.

The event is aimed at youngsters aged 11-18.

The hall's community networking officer, Cherylee Barker, said: "Designed in collaboration with a community steering group of artists, young people and parents, the YOM sessions are for young poets, musicians, performers and comedians – all are welcome.

"Our mission is to ensure young performers feel as special as possible before, during and after their performance."

The doors open at 5pm with performances starting from 6pm and running for up to two hours.

Lara Herde, hall manager, said, "We quickly realised there is a gap in provision for young performers at the hall so we are thrilled to be working with key stakeholders to bring this project alive."