A MAN smashed through two locked doors with a crowbar to chase down his own mum after an argument, before then destroying a bathroom cabinet in front of her.

Ivor Poulson, 45, of Tavernspite, near Whitland, appeared in the dock at Swansea Crown Court charged with affray and criminal damage.

Prosecutor Matthew Murphy told the court that Poulson had been living with his mum, and on the evening of June 2 had been drinking alcohol.

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“He then threatened the complainant with what was described as a wrecking bar,” Mr Murphy said.

The defendant’s mother took herself away from him, heading in to her bedroom and locking the door, before carrying on in to her bathroom and also locking that door.

She could hear the defendant shouting ‘Open the door’ and banging on the bedroom door, so called 999.

Mr Murphy said that Poulson smashed a hole in the bedroom door with the crowbar and reached in and unlocked the door. He then did the same with the bathroom door.

The defendant stood in the bathroom with a crowbar over each shoulder and asked why she had locked him out. He then smashed a cabinet with one of the crowbars.

The police soon arrived at the address and Poulson was arrested. He answered no comment to all questions in his interview.

“The defendant was reckless as to whether serious injury would be caused to the complainant,” Mr Murphy said. “He didn’t know what was happening behind the doors when he hit them.”

Poulson, who had two previous convictions for two offences, pleaded guilty to both offences at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court.

“It’s perfectly plain from everything I have read that this defendant has profound difficulties – some of his own making, some not of his own making,” Judge Geraint Walters said.

The court heard Poulson had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

“It’s that that led to the confrontation,” said David Singh, in mitigation. “An appealing confrontation.

“To do that to your own mother.”

Mr Singh said that trained chef Poulson had now left his previous job, after saying that it had been one of several factors which had led to him misusing alcohol.

He added that the defendant regretted his behaviour towards his mother.

“You don’t need me to tell you, but this is an appalling piece of behaviour towards your own mother,” Judge Walters told Poulson.

“The reality here is you were going through a mental breakdown at the time.”

Poulson was sentenced to a two-year community order, as part of which he must complete 150 hours of unpaid work, 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days, and a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement.

“It’s time for you to see if you can continue to salvage your relationship with your mum,” Judge Walters said.