A MAN has admitted attacking a woman but denied standing on her throat.

Jonathon Stapleton, 43, of Marshall Road in Monkton, had previously pleaded not guilty to battery and intentional strangulation.

It was alleged that he attacked and strangled a woman in Pembroke Dock on February 11.

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Stapleton returned to Swansea Crown Court on June 17 where he switched his plea to the battery offence to guilty.

“The defendant hit the complainant to the face,” defence counsel Hannah George said.

“The defendant still maintains that he didn’t put his foot on the complainant’s throat.”

Prosecutor Thomas Scapens asked for the case to be adjourned to allow the Crown Prosecution Service time to consult with the complainant over whether this plea was acceptable.

Judge Huw Rees granted this, and ordered that Stapleton will next appear in court on Friday.

The defendant is currently in custody and, should the plea not be deemed acceptable, is due to stand trial from August 1.