A mechanic from north Pembrokeshire has had a barrow of laughs breaking a Guinness World Record with a motorised piece of garden equipment.

Dylan Phillips from Tegryn built his motorised wheelbarrow in his shed as ‘a bit of a laugh’.

(Image: Dylan Phillips)

Dylan says that he enjoys building ‘the odd crazy thing’ and also has a motorbike he built from scratch with an engine from an old cement mixer.

“I built the wheelbarrow as a bit of nonsense,” he said. “After I had finished it and had had a coupe of test runs on it a couple of friends asked if there was a land speed record for wheelbarrows.”

(Image: Dylan Phillips)

Dylan did the research and there was. Two years down the line and he made his world record attempt at Straightliners Speed Week 2024 at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire.

There Dylan and his wheelbarrow hit top speeds of 52mph, smashing the previous record of 46mph.

“It was a fantastic feeling,” he said. “I had to wait for Guinness to verify it and when they did it was an absolutely fantastic feeling to know that I had got there and done what I set out to do.”

(Image: Dylan Phillips)

Dylan has no imminent plans for any other world record-breaking attempts and says that he will spend the summer raising funds for the DPJ Foundation, a cause close to his heart, with the wheelbarrow.

“I don’t think I am going to go for any other world records any time soon,” he said.

However the 38-year-old did say that he has a ‘couple of other projects on the go’ so keep your eyes peeled for him flying by.