A COUPLE were busted dealing drugs at a hotel in Milford Haven after they aroused suspicion by acting strangely and being aggressive towards staff.

Prosecutor Georgia Donohue said Leanne Harland and Brian Wright checked in to the Tŷ Milford Waterfront hotel on December 16.

“Staff members noticed strange behaviour from them,” Ms Donohue said.

On December 19, Wright went to the desk to ask for another key for the room, but became “aggressive with staff” and told them they weren’t to enter the room without telling either defendant.

The staff also noticed a third person with the defendants coming out of and going back in to the room. Due to their concerns, they called the police.

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Wright was initially obstructive with the police, and when he was searched out in the hallway was found to have £780 in cash, four bags of cocaine and a crack pipe in his pockets.

Inside the room, they found lines of cocaine set out on a tray and a black lockbox containing €50, weighing scales, and a bag of white powder - which was later found to be cocaine.

In total, officers seized 13.77 grams of amphetamine, 46 grams of ketamine, and 22 grams of cocaine which had been packed “for onward supply”, as well as mobile phones and snap bags.

Wright’s phone had messages showing his involvement in dealing from July 26, whilst Harland’s phone had messages from November 17. She also had videos of her picking up “large amounts of cash” with Wright in the background putting white powder into a pipe and then putting cash in his pocket.

“It was clearly a joint operation between the two defendants,” Ms Donohue said.

Swansea Crown Court also heard that Harland’s young daughter was in the room during parts of their stay.

“What concerns me is the presence of an eight-year-old child in that hotel room,” said Judge Paul Thomas KC.

“It’s not possible to say that the child witnessed any of that, but the fact that the child was in the room with significant quantities of drugs is an aggravating factor.”

Leanne Harland was jailed for her involvement in dealing cocaine in Milford Haven.Leanne Harland was jailed for her involvement in dealing cocaine in Milford Haven. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

Freddie Lewendon, for Harland, said that her daughter was no longer staying with them when the police arrived.

Wright, 43, of Hubberston, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine between July 6 and December 19, possession with intent to supply cocaine, and possession of ketamine and amphetamine. He also pleaded guilty to possession of criminal property – relating to the £780 and €50 in cash.

Harland, 42, of Harbour Way in Hakin, pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine between July 6 and December 20, 2023.

The court heard that Harland had no previous convictions, whilst Wright had four convictions for nine offences.

Mr Lewendon said Harland had a “relatively short involvement” in dealing drugs.

“She’s remorseful for her actions,” he said.

Mr Lewendon said Harland had a history of substance misuse which had led to her meeting her co-defendant.

“She’s taken steps to address her use of substances, in particular her use of opioids.”

Brian Wright became aggressive with staff at the hotel which led to them calling the police.Brian Wright became aggressive with staff at the hotel which led to them calling the police. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

Dan Griffiths, for Wright, said the defendant was “nothing but realistic” when it came to his sentencing.

He said Wright had “hit rock bottom” after the breakdown of his marriage and the failure of two businesses he was responsible for led to him using “a variety of recreational drugs” excessively.

“That addiction was no doubt the driver of this defendant’s decision making,” he said.

Mr Griffiths said Wright had now been drug-free “for some time”.

Wright was jailed for three years, whilst Harland was sentenced to 30 months.

The defendants will return to court on September 26 for a Proceeds of Crime Act hearing.